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Oil Leak Detection: Oil Spills in Our Oceans, Beaches, Rivers, Sea Ports Should be Clean

ORSolar – Offshore Oil-Spill Remote Sensing Locating and Recording system by Ofil helps handle & monitor oil spill catastrophes that happen frequently when oil tanks break, or submerged oil pipes crack and leak, or ships at sea or in harbors empty or leak oil and other liquids. Oil spills endanger the marine biology and the ecological equilibrium.

ORSolar is a passive optical sensing scanner and recorder for aerial oil spill surveillance. It deploys sensors that span from the short ultraviolet (UV) band to the long infrared (IR) band and thereby add details that are invisible to the human eye.  The sensors’ integration with HD TV and frame cameras enable seeing thick layers of crude oil as well as thin emulsified oil-water spreads, defining their borders and location. The information provided by ORSolar is valuable as it encompasses the various stages of oil spill phases. It is visual,  provided on the fly and needs no interpretation. Moreover, the data provided by the ORSolar solutions helps quantifying the spill.

ORSolar is offered in a stabilized 4 axes gimbal that fits fixed and rotor winged airplanes. It is used for ad hoc missions and routine observations. The imagery is of the highest available quality. 

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Oil Spills Special Characteristics

Oil spills due to oil drills

Short Terms & Long Term Requirements

With oil spill monitoring, there are short-term and long-term requirements. The short-term requirements are for information to be used in the execution of immediate responses to oil spills, namely, the location, extent and state of the spill, its thickness, and the effectiveness of dispersant operations. The long-term requirements are for planning response actions and guidelines. These requirements rely on data analysis of accumulated information about all occurrences of oil spill. 

ORSolar addresses both the short and the long-term needs and requirements, as it provides timely live HD imaging (videos and photos) enhanced with valuable radiometric IR images, sharp and clear UV imaging with GPS data, as well as recording of the entire inspection processes and findings.


Environmental & Chemical Characteristics

Oil spills have inherent special characteristics that are attributed to both environmental and chemical processes. These factors are dynamic, unpredictable and uncontrollable and tend to affect the oil composition and spread. Therefore, prompt and timely information about the location and extent of the spill are required to effectively respond. In addition to being mounted on surveillance airplanes and helicopters, ORSolar , due to its compact dimensions can also be mounted on a UAS thus enabling immediate take off from off-shore or on-shore, nearby or remote launching locations, reducing the time-to-arrive factor. ORSolar presents scanning results immediately, online in a readable easy to understand format.


Combination of Sensors UV & IR

UV and IR sensors operate in different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum and provide different indications of the oil and surrounding water:

  • Detection of surface oil with thermal sensors is based on the lower thermal emissivity of oil in comparison to water, and on the differences of the oil surface temperature from the surrounding water.
  • UV sensors detect surface oil because the optical properties of the oil are very different from those of the surrounding water. Oil has a higher refractive index than water, particularly in the UV spectral range; surface oil reflects more of the incident light from sun and appears brighter than the surrounding water.
  • The resulting images received from each sensor are of high oil-water contrasted images showing clearly the floating  sheen of the oil against its water background.
UV IR Visible Sensors

The information provided by the various technologies is complementary. The range of natural ambient factors such as sunlight, air and water temperature, wind and waves, give rise to ‘false positives’. But each sensor is affected differently and therefore only their combination renders a more precise and detailed information that is essential for proactive and timely oil detection.



Aerial mid-sea and offshore multi sensors stabilized gimballed system. Providing comprehensive intelligence and timely data on offshore oil spill, slicks, spill spread, drift, geo mapping.


Cost effective VTOL solution for fast response and inspection of the high- risk oil terminals, ports and oil rigs.

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24/7 Dual sensors inspection system for the ongoing monitoring and early detection of spill on board oil & gas rigs and oil terminals

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