
As global transport demand grows, maintaining the integrity of railway infrastructures is crucial to avoiding power outages and service disruptions. Failures in overhead components account for a significant portion of railway electric issues. OFIL Systems meets these challenges with advanced monitoring solutions that enhance the safety, reliability, and efficiency of railway operations. Our technologies proactively detect and mitigate critical failures, ensuring smoother service and reducing downtime costs.


Traction Substations

Traction substations supply power to railway systems, converting electricity from the grid to the required voltage and current for train operation. They contain key components like transformers and switchgear, which are critical for ensuring reliable and efficient power delivery.
Solar-blind UV cameras provide a portable and user-friendly solution for inspecting traction substations. These handheld devices enable operators to perform real-time, on-site detection of UV emissions linked to corona partial discharge (PD). With high precision, these cameras pinpoint faults, allowing operators to identify and resolve issues efficiently. This approach supports predictive maintenance, enhances system reliability, and ensures consistent power delivery to railway systems while reducing long-term maintenance costs.

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Traction Substations

Driving Excellence in Electrical Asset Management



Ensure the continuity of electricity supply



Proactively identify and address potential equipment failures



Improve the reliability of the electrical grid


Efficiency and Cost Saving

Save costs by reducing downtimes and increasing overall efficiency

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