Partial Discharge

In today's world, the increasing demand for power, aging infrastructure, and overloading of electrical systems create significant challenges for industries reliant on medium and high voltage components, such as power grids, substations, and rotating machinery like motors and generators.
Among these challenges, corona partial discharge (Corona PD) stands out as a critical yet often invisible threat. Corona PD not only signals potential malfunctions but also actively contributes to the degradation of electrical components, leading to costly system Leading to costly system repairs, safety hazards, unexpected downtimes and more.

Partial Discharge background

What is Corona partial discharge?

Corona Partial Discharge (Corona PD) is a form of partial discharge that occurs when a strong electric field ionizes the surrounding air. This ionization process emits ultraviolet (UV) photons, detectable using UV technology.
Serving as both a warning signal and a damaging force, Corona PD highlights potential equipment malfunctions and actively contributes to deterioration, underscoring the need for timely intervention and management.

Corona diagram

Corona PD indicating the presence of malfunctions

Corona PD as a warning signal:

  • Corona Partial Discharge acts as a critical warning signal, indicating the presence of malfunctions in equipment.

  • This often occurs at damaged areas, loose components, sharp edges, or irregularities in high-voltage systems where the electric field strength exceeds the breakdown strength of the air.

  • Detection of Corona PD can alert maintenance teams to these points before they escalate into major faults.


Damages to components caused by Corona PD

Corona PD as a damaging force:

Beyond signaling potential issues, Corona PD is inherently destructive. It produces ozone, nitric acid and oxalic acids which damage electrical components, leading to premature equipment failures.
Therefore, detecting and mitigating Corona PD is essential to maintain the integrity and longevity of electrical systems, ensuring their safe and efficient operation.

Why is seeing Corona partial discharge important?

Corona partial discharge is generally detected in the initial stages of an issue, prior to a critical failure. Accurate and timely detection allows for proactive identification and rectification of potential equipment failures, thus preventing costly, disruptive power outages and parts replacement.

Detecting Corona PD with UV technology

Early detection

helps prevent costly downtime or parts replacement

Accurate pinpointing

allows for exact PD location and thus for more efficient maintenance

Predictive maintenance

enables improved operation and better component health

Our Products

DayCor® UVollé

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DayCor® Luminar HD

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DayCor® micROM HD

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Multispectral Airborne Systems

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