UV Diagnostic is suitable mainly for problems related to voltage distribution, or surface voltage gradient, while the IR diagnostic can be used mostly for problems connected with current overheating. A combination of UV, IR and visual diagnostics increases the reliability of diagnosis and can help at inspection results evaluation.
Anomaly is not picked up by IR camera
Fault detected by UV camera
No fault is detected on IR image
Corona blobs are displayed on UV image
Example of Corona detected with solar-blind corona camera and with heat signature detectable with infrared imager (white circle shows small hot spot).
UV and Ultrasonic technology
Accurate pinpointing of Corona PD Source
UV Camera: Pinpointed location of Corona on end-fitting
UV camera: pinpoints 2 separate spots of PD on the insulators
Ultrasonic imager: displays a large spot covering two insulators and the conductor
False Results – Ultrasonic Imager
Reflections on ground
Background noise due to car engine
Background noises due to machine
Validity of Results
UV Camera: pinpoints discharge on arcing horn
Ultrasonic Imager - False Alarm: Based on the location of the discharge it is impossible to decide whether there is a problem. Discharge on a horn is not an issue, while corona on the end fitting is a major problem.
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