Designed with portability and durability in mind, our cameras deliver high sensitivity to detect Corona partial discharges with exceptional precision. Whether inspecting power grids, rotating machines or HV/MV electrical components, they accurately identify potential issues thus enabling predictive maintenance practices and ultimately empowering the health and longevity of your electrical assets.
Request infoA handheld solar-blind UV camera specifically designed to detect and pinpoint Corona partial discharge – a major but often unseen hazard to electrical equipment.
It offers unparalleled sensitivity, precise fault pinpointing, HD imaging, and powerful zoom for precise Corona partial discharge detection.
Its functions and advanced algorithms make it excel in a wide range of applications and deliver top-notch performance.
Detect corona discharges early, protect your power system's health
Save on unexpected expenses and maintain a smooth, efficient operation
Don't react, act! Identify potential equipment failures before they cause costly disruptions